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#![recursion_limit = "256"]
//! TAPLE is a DLT focused on traceability characterized by its level of scalability,
//! its flexibility to be employed in different devices and use cases and its reduced resource consumption,
//! including power consumption.
//! The TAPLE crate provides the library that allows instantiating nodes of this DLT in order to create a
//! functional network through a single structure containing all the required logic.
//! Applications can interact with these nodes through the API they expose, thus enabling read and write operations
//! against the network. The API also allows the design and creation of customized clients for the technology
//! according to the user's needs.
//! In addition to the node itself, the library also exposes a series of data structures specific to the protocol
//! that can be obtained when interacting with the API or, in some cases, may be necessary to interact with it.
//! # Basic usage
//! ```
//! use std::str::FromStr;
//! use taple_core::crypto;
//! use taple_core::crypto::Ed25519KeyPair;
//! use taple_core::crypto::KeyGenerator;
//! use taple_core::crypto::KeyMaterial;
//! use taple_core::get_default_settings;
//! use taple_core::request::StartRequest;
//! use taple_core::signature::Signature;
//! use taple_core::signature::Signed;
//! use taple_core::ApiModuleInterface;
//! use taple_core::Derivable;
//! use taple_core::DigestIdentifier;
//! use taple_core::EventRequest;
//! use taple_core::KeyDerivator;
//! use taple_core::KeyIdentifier;
//! use taple_core::MemoryManager;
//! use taple_core::Notification;
//! use taple_core::Taple;
//! /**
//! * Basic usage of TAPLE Core. It includes:
//! * - Node inicialization with on-memory DB (only for testing purpouse)
//! * - Minimal governance creation example
//! */
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() -> Result<(), ()> {
//! // Generate ramdom node cryptographic material and ID
//! let node_key_pair = crypto::KeyPair::Ed25519(Ed25519KeyPair::from_seed(&[]));
//! let node_identifier = KeyIdentifier::new(
//! node_key_pair.get_key_derivator(),
//! &node_key_pair.public_key_bytes(),
//! );
//! // Build and start up the TAPLE node
//! let mut settings = get_default_settings();
//! settings.node.secret_key = Some(hex::encode(&node_key_pair.secret_key_bytes()));
//! let mut taple = Taple::new(settings, MemoryManager::new());
//! let mut notifier = taple.get_notification_handler();
//! let shutdown_manager = taple.get_shutdown_manager();
//! let api = taple.get_api();
//! taple.start().await.expect("TAPLE started");
//! // Create a minimal governance
//! // Compose and sign the subject creation request
//! let new_key = api
//! .add_keys(KeyDerivator::Ed25519)
//! .await
//! .expect("Error getting server response");
//! let create_subject_request = EventRequest::Create(StartRequest {
//! governance_id: DigestIdentifier::default(),
//! name: "".to_string(),
//! namespace: "".to_string(),
//! schema_id: "governance".to_string(),
//! public_key: new_key,
//! });
//! let signed_request = Signed::<EventRequest> {
//! content: create_subject_request.clone(),
//! signature: Signature::new(&create_subject_request, node_identifier, &node_key_pair)
//! .unwrap(),
//! };
//! // Send the signed request to the node
//! let _request_id = api.external_request(signed_request).await.unwrap();
//! // Wait until notification of subject creation
//! let subject_id =
//! if let Notification::NewSubject { subject_id } = notifier.receive().await.unwrap() {
//! subject_id
//! } else {
//! panic!("Unexpected notification");
//! };
//! // Get the new subject data
//! let subject_id =
//! DigestIdentifier::from_str(&subject_id).expect("DigestIdentifier from str failed");
//! let subject = api.get_subject(subject_id.clone()).await.expect(&format!(
//! "Error getting subject content with id: {}",
//! subject_id.to_str()
//! ));
//! println!("{:#?}", subject);
//! // Shutdown the TAPLE node
//! shutdown_manager.shutdown().await;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
pub(crate) mod api;
pub(crate) mod approval;
pub(crate) mod authorized_subjecs;
pub(crate) mod commons;
pub(crate) mod database;
pub(crate) mod distribution;
pub mod error;
pub(crate) mod evaluator;
pub(crate) mod governance;
pub(crate) mod ledger;
pub(crate) mod message;
pub(crate) mod network;
pub(crate) mod utils;
pub(crate) mod validation;
pub(crate) mod event;
pub(crate) mod protocol;
mod unitary_component;
pub use api::{
ApiError, ApiModuleInterface,
// pub(crate) use api::APICommands;
pub use commons::crypto;
pub use commons::identifier;
pub use commons::identifier::{Derivable, DigestIdentifier, KeyIdentifier, SignatureIdentifier};
pub use commons::models::approval::ApprovalRequest;
pub use commons::models::approval::ApprovalResponse;
pub use commons::models::approval::{ApprovalEntity, ApprovalState};
pub use commons::models::evaluation::EvaluationRequest;
pub use commons::models::evaluation::EvaluationResponse;
pub use commons::models::event::Event;
pub use commons::models::event::Metadata;
pub use commons::models::request;
pub use commons::models::request::EventRequest;
pub use commons::models::signature;
pub use commons::models::state::SubjectData;
pub use commons::{
config::{ListenAddr, NetworkSettings, NodeSettings, TapleSettings},
identifier::derive::{digest::DigestDerivator, KeyDerivator},
pub(crate) use database::DB;
pub use database::{DatabaseCollection, DatabaseManager, Error as DbError, MemoryManager, MemoryCollection};
pub use error::Error;
pub use unitary_component::{
get_default_settings, NotificationHandler, Taple, TapleShutdownManager,