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Get subjects

Get subjects

Allows to obtain, with pagination, the list of subjects known by the node. It can also be used to obtain exclusively the governances and all the subjects belonging to a specific one.

Query Parameters
  • subject_type string

    Type of subjects requested (possibilities: all, governances)

  • governanceid string

    Governance id of subjects requested

  • from string

    Identifier of the initial subject to be considered in pagination

  • quantity integer

    Quantity of subjects requested


Subjects Data successfully retrieved

Schema array
  • active boolean

    Indicates if the subject is active or not

  • creator string

    Subject creator identifier

  • governance_id string

    Governance identifier

  • name string

    The name of the subject.

  • namespace string

    Namespace of the subject

  • owner string

    Subject owner identifier

  • properties

    Current status of the subject

  • public_key string

    Public key of the subject

  • schema_id string

    Identifier of the schema used by the subject and defined in associated governance

  • sn int64

    Current sequence number of the subject

  • subject_id string

    Subject identifier
